• Cote de Texas

    by  • 15 Nov ’07 • blogs, Patricia van Essche • 15 Comments

    Happy early birthday to Joni of Cote de Texas. A few weeks ago I posted a birthday illustration for Anna of Absolutely Beautiful Things created by the wonderful Patricia van Essche. Joni left a note that her birthday was on the 20th of November and Patricia read the comment. A few days later Patricia emailed me to say that she had an idea and wanted to commemorate Joni’s birthday in a special way. Here is the fantastic result of Patrica’s amazing talent (she never ceases to surprise me). Happy early birthday Joni!

    15 Responses to Cote de Texas

    1. Anne
      15 Nov ’07 at 3:07 pm

      Patricia is so gifted! Happy early Birthday Joni!

    2. Mrs. Blandings
      15 Nov ’07 at 4:15 pm

      Absolutely WONDERFUL! I adore it! The best gift ever. Darling.

    3. patricia gray
      15 Nov ’07 at 4:31 pm

      I love this painting that Patricia has done for Joni. What a wonderful & fitting gift for the marvelous Joni and painted by the marvelous Patricia. Joni get ready for a rocking birthday!!!

    4. girl meets glamour
      15 Nov ’07 at 5:02 pm

      Such a great gift!!! Happy early Birthday Joni :)


    5. Cote de Texas
      15 Nov ’07 at 5:39 pm

      OMG!!! I LOVE THIS~!! My two dogs, the french chair!!! the books, the wine, the flags, the little armadillo, this is the cutest thing I have EVER seen!!!! AW, I’m just in awe, Thanks so much Ronda, and Patricia and Patricia!!! You are really talented, girl. You captured my blog completely!!!

      Thanks so much, this is like the sweetest birthday gift I have ever gotten, seriously. I just can’t thank you enough!!! Ronda – see you Saturday and Patricia — see you soon ;)


    6. Fairfax
      16 Nov ’07 at 1:03 am

      Ronda… that is such a lovely thing for you to do for Joni! You’re a star!

      Have a great time with her on Saturday. We want you BOTH to blog about the meet-up!

    7. pvedesign
      16 Nov ’07 at 2:08 am

      Ronda, thanks for posting my card… it was so much fun to do! Birthdays are to be celebrated!
      Ladies, have a nice time and tell us all about it!

    8. Jackie Von Tobel
      16 Nov ’07 at 3:29 am

      Such an awesome gift and she has captured Joni’s personality so well with the illustration. So much talent!!!! Bloggers are the sweetest people! You win the great gift giver award Ronda. Happy B-Day Joni.

    9. Mélanie
      16 Nov ’07 at 9:22 am

      Wonderful Birthday’s card !!!! Happy birthday to her.
      Thank you for letting us know

    10. dianamuse
      16 Nov ’07 at 1:42 pm

      I’m just amazed by your and Patricia’s thoughtful planning – and the obvious delight you take in giving such a terrific gift. Best wishes all around!

    11. linda
      16 Nov ’07 at 1:50 pm

      What a creative and special present.! Simply beautiful

    12. Anonymous
      16 Nov ’07 at 2:44 pm

      Reminds one of the the watercolors Mark Hampton bestowed on his friends….


    13. teaorwine
      16 Nov ’07 at 8:52 pm

      such a truly genuine gift!

    14. Anna
      17 Nov ’07 at 12:26 pm

      Oh Ronda, this is so gorgeous – Patricia is SO talented! I love it!! So very Joni!!!

    15. halcyon
      18 Nov ’07 at 3:33 am

      A coveted gift from the exponentially talented PVE!!! As a fellow Texan, I love the card, because of course, I love Texas and I also love France. So I am living vicariously through Joni. What a thoughtful thing to do, PVE.
      Ronda and Joni: how great that you got to meet.


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